01 October 2009


When a significant other moves across the country to pursue a graduate degree, it becomes evident that someone is going to be spending a lot of time on airplanes...that someone happens to be me! My recent bi-coastal relationship has provided me with an opportunity to explore life in the big city. The verdict's still out.

I can understand the allure of beautiful architecture and diverse population, but still don't think I'm sold on the idea of being a city-girl. I need (circa 1998 Dixie Chicks album) wide open spaces: big sky, clean air, blues, greens etc. etc. Maybe it was all of those summers spent in Colorado? Possibly a lifetime on the California coast? Ultimately, I just prefer a snow-capped mountain to the Empire State building. An ocean breeze to a stinky stranger on the metro. A starry night sky to a city that never sleeps...

As with anything, I'll keep my heart open to falling in love with the city...we'll just have to wait and see!

One positive note, the city's parks are spectacular! So here's to spending more time lying in the grass!

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