30 May 2011

Orange Zest

Gussied up an "out of the box" biscuit mix with some orange zest. Very good! 

27 May 2011

Long Weekend

Can you guess what I'll be doing? 

22 May 2011

OC Tri

Very proud of my younger brother for completing his first triathlon! 

images via Chasen Marshall

15 May 2011

A Beautiful Couple

Mr. & Mrs. K
May 14, 2011


Healthy (kinda) Week Recap

I didn't keep all of my promises this week. 

I only practiced yoga twice (10 minute home practice doesn't count).
I only ran/walked/biked three of the other five days.
I ate very healthy (kale salad) and very unhealthy (red-velvet cupcake and ice-cream).
I did, however, keep my promise about the television.
One step at a time, right?

This week was really tough. I had a couple after school meetings and a deadline to meet for my BTSA work. I'm also feeling sick again (you'd think two ten-day rounds of antibiotics would kill everything inside me!?). Hopefully as the school year starts winding down, I can get my health back on track. In the meantime, I'm doing the best I can. 

07 May 2011

Get Healthy

It's finally time I hold myself accountable for all of the promises to "get healthy" I've been making. Never in my life have I had this lack of motivation. So, I've decided to publish these promises.

I promise...
to practice yoga at least three times this week.
to take a thirty minute walk or run or bike ride every day I do not practice.
to think about what I put in my body (eat more whole foods than processed).
to not turn the television on before 6pm.

I also promise to blog about my progress each day this week. Starting today! (this should be interesting)

xo sw