18 August 2011

Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

So I've been marinating with this idea for a while now. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, but I really started thinking about this after hearing a high school commencement speech in June. The student said, "Start being comfortable with being uncomfortable." Genius! This 17 or 18 year old kid pretty much described what it's like to grow (up). 

I can't tell you how many times I didn't do something because I was uncomfortable with it. Not uncomfortable because it was illegal or immoral, but uncomfortable because it was unfamiliar or its outcome uncertain. What I can tell you is that every major decision or action I've taken that has resulted in some type of growth was taken despite my discomfort. Moving to Europe. Signing up for that first yoga class. Student teaching. All decisions and actions taken despite unfamiliarity and uncertainty.

As I enter into this second quarter of life I find myself whispering, "be comfortable with being uncomfortable." It's the only way to grow!

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