It's Tuesday night, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of the heart melting and mind blowing that was my weekend. For those of you who don't know, I was fortunate enough to spend Saturday and Sunday practicing Anusara in Hollywood with John Friend (Founder of Anusara Yoga). I have to admit that I was a bit nervous in the days leading up to the events, but after spending 10+ hours on my mat alongside a couple hundred incredible yogis...I feel totally inspired.
I know it's cliche, but yoga (In my experience, Anusara) is worth so much more than the 60-90 minutes spent sweating in the asana. I am by no means an expert in tantric philosophy, but I do know that through my practice I have experienced a unique beauty. Some of the most powerful concepts John so brilliantly alluded to this weekend involved intrinsic goodness, sensitivity and artistic expression. Essentially, our yogic acts help to honor the intrinsic goodness within all of us...through sensitivity (i.e. compassion, kindness etc.) and our own individual artistic expression (i.e. creating beauty for the world). These concepts are so simple and meaningful, but are so often lost in the hustle of everyday life. If there's anything I will take from this weekend it's a reminder to truly open my heart to experiences that will manifest goodness and beauty in this lifetime. I hope this weblog is the first step in an enlightened direction!
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